Wednesday, January 16, 2013

At long last!

I am so thrilled to announce that my precious little niece IS HERE!!! 

Welcome to the world Elliana Lily

 8 lbs 1 ounce and 20 inches of beautiful preciousness!    

It was a long, challenging process and my sister did AWESOME! I should also note that her husband was amazing too! My friend Jamie, my sister's husband and I worked as an "amazing team" (as described by the ob nurses) through days of the induction and labor process, but none worked so hard as my sister! Props to her hubby too of course! (Did I really just use "props?" Did my use of the word "props" just totally age me? Hmmm.... Oh well.) And yes I am going to brag because she was truly much stronger than she believed herself to be.

 I know some will say "it is a natural process and every woman does it, so why is her doing it such a big deal?" And, sure to some degree they are right- it is a natural process, however in my (perhaps not so humble opinion) every woman deserves at least a moment of praise for making it through, especially the ones who have to fight a little extra! My sister definitely had to fight an uphill battle against a body that wasn't ready and medical treatment that seemed to want to undo every step forward she took, but she did it. I know I have said it a lot, but bare with me one more time- I am so PROUD of you sis!

And seeing their happy little family all together, bonding, happy, well and safe a feeling of peace came over me. In that sweet moment I happily knew my "job" was done and I was content with that. I am auntie to Ellie and she is mommy and I had my own wonderful family I needed to get home to; to hold, love on and take care of and I missed them.

Her mommy journey is just beginning, but I have had the great (and at times challenging) honor of my own special family journey and I am not done yet. My little ones need me still and what joy that fills my heart with! Our lives are full of tae kwon do and dance and school and chores and growing and learning and each moment, even the stressful, crazy ones or the challenging learning ones, are important and special. Before she knows it she will be where I am and I will be getting ready to set mine free, oh how scary that thought is. Seems like forever some days, but before I know it that moment will be here and so I have to remember that I have right now.

Right now to hug.
Right now to kiss.
Right now to teach.
Right now to help.
Right now to cheer. 
Right now to guide.
Right now to play.
Forever to love.

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