Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Got Mom?

Two simple words and a punctuation mark, a simple question and one of the most mimicked and to the point ads ever created (at least in my humble opinion.) Got Milk? Got Cheese? Got Gas? Got Water? The list of Got ___? can go on forever because the core of the ad is "do you have this thing you need or want?" Straight, simple and to the it?

In my household Mom is a need and on some days a want and on some days a guess we're stuck with her, but either way Mom is a staple in this house. I am a household staple, even on the days that family doesn't think so. Often quietly, sometimes not so quietly, I keep things in the house running smoothly(ish) and create an unrecognized calm that everyone loves and I know this because if ever I am gone I soon get a call of when are you coming home with just the touch of panic in the voice. They don't got mom and they need her see!

As a woman I am also a staple in other ways. Got Friend? Got Wife? Got Driver? Got Woman? Got Cook? Got Encourager? Got Comforter? So many roles, so little time and that is what this blog is all about....LIFE and all the big things and little things that make it what it is.

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