Monday, December 17, 2012

What did I do? (In reflection)

I find myself in a state of...reflection. All over Facebook friends have posted memorials, stories, opinions and thoughts on the recent tragedy in Connecticut and post by post it has been sinking deeper and deeper into my heart.

There are Christmas trees with wrapped gifts waiting for children who will not open them.
Did I do something kind for my children today? Or did I spend more time focusing on others?

There are projects begun that will not be finished by the tiny hands that started them.
Did I create a memory with my children today? Or did I put off their pleas to do something....till tomorrow?

There are arms aching in emptiness for the child that will not climb into them.
Did I hug my children today? Or did brush them off in too much of a hurry to get something done?

There are ears that strain to hear an "I love you mommy" that is not coming.
Did I listen to my children today? Or did tell them "that's nice dear" while only listening with half an ear.

There are words of "I love you" that will be spoken, but not returned by an ever silent headstone.
Did I tell my children I love them today? Or did I use more words to discipline than love and build them up?

There are prayers filling the heavens of regret for that "just one more day" that isn't going to dawn bringing with it a precious child.
Did I thank God for my children today? Or did I mutter a prayer of long suffering begging for "5 minutes peace?"

Did I make the most of my blessings, my children and the time I have with them? Do I try? Do I even realize how very precious it is? In the middle of this terrible tragedy is a reminder that every moment counts and although I imagine many of us held our children a little extra tight that day, I can't help but wonder how long will it be before life shuffles us right back into the same ol' same ol'.

How can I remember to make each moment count as a mom, as a wife, as a sister, as an aunt, as a person?

I think it is in the little things.

Stop and smell the roses. Sing the silly song. Bake the cookies. Listen to the story. Read the story. Compliment the crazy hair do. Cuddle in the morning. Eat the creative breakfast. Say "I love you." Dance in the living room. Turn the radio up loud and sing along.

Make the most of each moment because that is all life is.....a bunch of moments that turn into memories, life lessons and living. I read or heard somewhere that it isn't the destination, but the journey that matters. Life happens in the journey not once you get to the destination.

It is time to smell the roses.

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